Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finishing-Up www.MichiganProSportsBlog.Net

As the semester concludes, Ben, Greg, and I have been writing and fine-tuning our sports blog. We've posted several new articles about all your favorite Michigan professional teams, and will be integrating some cool new Java features within the next week.

We were having issues getting our Java menus to work properly through our domain/server,, but while working on Ben's independent study website, we had a breakthrough. Be sure to check back this weekend for new articles and an improved look...


Patrick McDonald said...


The site looks great. Just a word of advice: make sure you get clearance for the logos/emblems, as they might be infringing on the copyright of them. Particularly when you use the old english "D" in your masthead.

mesfox said...

It's always something to consider. If you can take your own photos or get permission - then it doesn't matter really. They wouldn't wear those logos on uniforms if they didn't want them out there for publicity.

Glad things are going well.

Mitch McDonald said...

The copyright laws are an issue if your site is for profit. We aren't driving advertisers our way, so it isn't a problem.